Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Dear Friends Who Wonder What is Happening in Our Little Bubble,

We have enjoyed a few nice little "things"  in our routine and we wanted to share with friends. :)

Circuit Assembly:  a couple of weeks ago our congregation was assigned to the first one day circuit assembly in Newburg, NY.  It is a beautiful assembly hall and we have noticed it is the one in all the organizational videos.  Here are our friends the Beanes* (the two boys on the front left are what we call "little beanes") in the main hall. 

There is a huge mural of the Hudson valley on the entry wall which is stunning . But what is one of the nicest features are the chairs and the leg room.  OH WHAT GLORIOUS LEG ROOM!

*We had intended to introduce you to the Beane family  [to the right  Becky, Eli and Josiah -- eating fresh beans -- shocker]  over a month ago and forgot. 

We spent the weekend with them in Aug. and had a lovely special campaign day with them. Below  is Eli (little beane) and his dad, Doug witnessing to a man who owned this cute produce market.  Here is the man watching the Bible study video, took the tract ......



and later asked and received a Bible!

Gilead Graduation:  On Sept 13th we were able to attend the Gilead Grad.  Of course we were in the dining room of Wallkill, watching the program on the tv, but the re-enactments of the field service experiences by the Gilead students, the talks by the branch committee and Governing body and illustrations were so upbuilding! 

There was a sister from Denmark who is a  missionary for the Arabic group in Italy who was interviewed.  She basically said:  I'm a Dane.  We don't talk all the time. This non-extroverted Danish background made the communal people setting of Bethel a real challenge.  But she reflected that with Jehovah's help she could do it.  She also has learned this powerful point:  if you focus on what you are personally sacrificing while serving Jehovah, you will loose your joy.  However if you dwell on the privilege of service to Jehovah and the joy it brings you - you will not be sorry for any sacrifice.
A couple who is serving at the Malawi branch was also interviewed.The wife in particular explained while she was growing up (while Witnesses were under ban) it seemed normal to attend meetings at midnight and to clap by rubbing your hands together.  The ban never stopped them from serving Jehovah.

Raymondskill Falls:  One Sunday afternoon we had the opportunity to check out this short hike and waterfall in the Milford territory.  It was a perfect day and a breath-taking waterfall! 

  We followed the trail a little and found a few more falls and this delightful creek.  (by the way this is my first try at panoramic photos!)

We also zipped up to New Jersey's highest point.  Logically called High Point.  They have a veteran's monument and a great view. Actually you can see 360 degrees from this spot, but honestly, this was the nicest view to me.

We actually climed the 291 steps to the top of the monument and the windows were too dirty to see out of, which was a lot of work and no photo opportunity!   But I like the shot I got of looking up all the stairs we took. :)

Work progress:  Well, time has run out so I'll have to share those next time. Sorry to disappoint but it's a guarantee I'll write again! 

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